Privacy Policy

Eric Hildrew

As part of my work, I sometimes collect personal data. This is information which can be used to identify a person. It can be factual, such as their name or email address, or it can be an opinion related to that person, their actions and behaviour. This Privacy Policy explains when and why I collect personal information. It outlines the steps I take to look after the data responsibly, in keeping with the UK General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] 2021.

1. About me and my work

I am a freelance consultant, offering a range of services to the charitable sector. My services include:

  • Project and programme evaluation

  • Quantitative and qualitative research

  • Desk research and literature reviews

I am a sole trader, based in Edinburgh, working across the UK.

2. Data Protection Principles

I observe the good practice principles for processing personal data. This means that personal data will be:

  • Processed fairly, transparently and in keeping with the law

  • Processed for limited, specific purposes and in an appropriate way

  • Adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose

  • Accurate and, where relevant, kept up to date

  • Not kept for longer than necessary for the purpose

  • Kept in a way which allows identification for no longer than necessary

  • Stored securely

3. When, why and how I collect personal information

  1. Business contacts: I collect and store names and contact details (email address, telephone number, postal address) for the people I work with. This includes clients, suppliers, funders, freelancers, support organisations. I am usually given these details directly by the individual / their organisations, or they are publicly available online.

  2. Evaluation and research participants data: I conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluation and research for clients. This includes engaging with visitors, project participants, staff, volunteers, stakeholders and others. The research may include interviews, focus groups, surveys, and observations, which can all be online or in person. Sometimes participants can be anonymous, and no personal data is collected. At other times, I work with personal data such as:

    • Name, contact detail (email, address, postcode, telephone number), access needs,

    • Age, gender, ethnicity, religion and other information which might connect people to a group or population which is relevant to the research.

I may collect this information directly myself, or it might be shared with me by a client, with all the necessary permissions having been originally collected by them.

I gather informed consent as required. This includes telling people:

  • Why the data is being collected

  • How it will be used

  • If quotes will be anonymised or attributed (and if so how)

  • How it will be stored and how long for

  • How / when they can withdraw their consent

The reasons for collecting this personal information can include:

  • Research which might involve arranging a research interview, recruiting for a focus group, or dealing with an incentive,

  • Gaining consent for taking part in research e.g. from an individual, or from an adult with responsibility for a child.

I sometimes collect and analyse personal information using:

  • Survey Monkey

  • Microsoft 365 / OneDrive / SharePoint  

  • Survey Monkey (Privacy Notice),

I may take photographs during research, evaluation and events. I use these photographs, and / or images provided to me by the client. I may use and share images to support the project development, advocacy, promotion, evaluation and reporting. I will always gather consent, including asking the responsible adult for permission to photograph children under 16.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases I rely on for processing this information are:

  • Your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting me at

  • I have a contractual obligation.

4. How I share your personal information

I ask for explicit consent before sharing personal information. I may share with:

  • My client and project partners: This might be when organising an event for/ with them or in a research report (anonymously or named as agreed in advance). Sometimes clients ask me to sign a contract with them in advance, which includes agreements for data sharing / storage.

  • Other freelancers: I sometimes collaborate with trusted freelancers on projects (e.g. organise events or carry out research together). They would also be expected to abide by the same data protection regulations.

The only time I would ever disclose personal information without consent would be if it was required by law or to protect someone’s safety.

5. How I store your personal information

When you share your personal information with me, it is securely stored.

When I am working with a client, I agree with them in advance how long I will keep the data for and I will let participants know this when they give consent. This is usually 6 months to one year, but could be more if a project lasts for longer. After this time, I delete digital files and/or shred paper copies.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases I rely on for processing this information are:

a) Your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting me by email
(b) We have a contractual obligation.

6. Your data protection rights

Under data protection law, you have the right:

  • To ask me for copies of your personal information,

  • To ask me to correct / complete information you think is inaccurate and / or incomplete,

  • To ask me to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

  • To ask me to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

  • To object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, for example if it is likely cause distress or is causing damage.

  • To ask that I transfer the personal information you gave me to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, I have one month to respond to you.

Please contact me at if you have any requests or concerns.

You can also complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are unhappy with how your data has been used. The ICO’s address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF and their helpline number is 0303 123 1113.


Last updated: 18/09/2024